What's Up With the Poker chip?

We chose to send a poker chip to get your attention and illustrate the gamble you may be taking with your business’s data. If you aren’t 100% sure that you’re protected, read on to see what might be on the line.

Poker Chip Image with text reading

  • Do you have a CYBERSECURITY expert monitoring your network?
  • Do you KNOW that your current IT provider has done everything in their power to protect you against attacks?
  • Do you have an “instant backup” that could be restored to keep running “business as usual” in the event of disaster?
  • Are you ready to take a proactive approach to the safety of your network?

In the past few months, we’ve seen the most aggressive uptick in ransomware attacks on small businesses in our lifetime. I’m sure you’ve already heard the recent news stories about big companies getting hit – but what you might not know is that small businesses are getting ransomed more frequently, and the attacks are getting more aggressive and costly.

Based on what we’re seeing, it’s not a matter of “if” but WHEN you’ll experience a cyber-attack.

I don’t mean to frighten you, but to EDUCATE you and offer help so you are able to minimize the cost, downtime and damages rather than be caught completely unprepared and suffer substantial losses – which is why I’m writing you today and extending this offer:

Our Free And Confidential Cyber Security Risk Assessment

Will Give You The Answers You Want, The Certainty You Need.

 For a limited time, we are giving away a Free Cyber Security Risk Assessment to businesses in our area. This is confidential, entirely free and without obligation.

Are you protected against cybercrime, ransomware, and other threats from the dark web? Are you sure?

Your time investment is minimal: one hour for the initial consultation and one hour in the second meeting to go over what we discover. When this Risk Assessment is complete, here’s what you will know:

  • If your IT systems and data are truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, ransomware and even sabotage by rogue employees.
  • If your current backup would allow you to be up and running again fast if ransomware locked all your files99% of the computer networks we’ve reviewed failed this test.
  • If you and your employees’ login credentials are being sold on the dark web right now and what to do about it (I can practically guarantee they are due to a recent 8.4 billion credentials being sold on the dark web. What we find will shock you).

If we find problems, we will tell you what they are and prepare a Security Action Plan, for free, on how to remediate the situation; and if you choose, we can assist you in its implementation.

Get Started With A Free Assessment!

Sign Me Up For The Free Assessment

Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in any way.

“They succeed by helping us succeed.”

Mike Shrier, Excalibur Seasoning Company Partnering with Facet for our IT allows us to focus our resources on the things we do best and make us profitable. We don’t have to build our own IT department. We’ve experienced that True Tech Peace of Mind just like their advertising states. The sense of security and personal relationships we have with Facet employees sets Facet apart from other IT firms. We trust them to have our best interests in mind. It’s a partnership. They succeed by helping us succeed. If someone was on the fence about choosing Facet as their IT firm, I would tell them to look at the total value proposition. You can’t put a price on trust and security. Give Facet a try. You won’t be disappointed.

“Facet is the winning IT firm, time and time again.”

Stan Butler, Former President/CEO – Heights Finance Corp., Executive Coach – How Can YOU Make a Difference?Facet earned our trust so that we can focus on expanding our business. Facet recruits top notch professionals who provide leading edge technology, communicate effectively and are accountable for the excellent service they provide. Finger pointing is not part of their business model which is valuable for growth-oriented companies like ours. Facet drills down into the IT needs of our business BEFORE they start providing services. They document the internal and external interfaces so they can hit the ground running. This provides traction right out of the gate. Facet is on the leading edge of IT hardware, as well. Their focus on excellent communication skills avoids a breakdown in service that we experienced with other IT firms. If you are on the fence about choosing an IT provider, do YOUR due diligence and then choose Facet. I provide references only for those service providers for whom I am a raving fan. Facet earned and maintains my respect by their support of our daily operations as well as special projects including replacing our full intranet platform. They have worthy competitors, but I found Facet to be the winning IT firm, time and time again.