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(309) 689-3900

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3024 W. Lake Ave.

Peoria, IL 61615

8:00AM - 5:00PM

Monday – Friday

Facet Technologies, Inc.


Security Services

Email Filtering

Email and Web Filtering Services in Peoria, IL

The biggest threat to your business’s cybersecurity may lie in a seemingly mundane place—your employees’ inboxes. Phishing and ransomware attacks via email are becoming increasingly common, sophisticated, and, most importantly, expensive. A single breach can cost your company thousands or even millions and can shut down your operations for days.

You may have heard that the biggest point of cybersecurity vulnerability for most companies is not their systems, but their people, and email is the quickest way to exploit that vulnerability. The most sophisticated security systems can’t protect your data if your email is not also secure.

Facet’s Email Security Solution integrates seamlessly with your existing email exchange to keep threats at bay. With state-of-the-art email filtering, anti-virus, reporting and more, your company can remain secure and running smoothly.

Email filtering for business is crucial. Regardless of your size, Facet has a package that will work for your company.

If you’re currently using a web-based email client such as Gmail or Yahoo, you may need to consider moving to an exchange with greater security. Facet’s team can give you a quote for an email solution with filtering and anti-virus that will keep your business safe.

Learn more about our Email Filtering Solution in our downloadable Security Suite flyer.

Facet Security
Suite Informational Brochure

Call us today to get started on a safer email solution for your team!