Facet Blog
Interesting articles from the Facet team
Do These 3 Things Before Taking Your Computer In for Repair
If you’re experiencing computer issues that require more than a quick fix, don’t panic! A reputable computer repair shop will likely be able to give...
5 Best Data Loss Prevention Tools
Securing the delivery of precious data is one of the most crucial requirements that organizations have to meet in today’s day and age. Why wouldn’t...
Simulating Attacks on your Website Using Penetration Testing
It’s a bit cliché as a plot: A company hires burglars to break into their business to test security. Well, it isn’t just fiction, real companies do...
Top 10 Malware Viruses
New threats arise almost daily, as hackers try to break in where they don’t belong. Some do it for profit, some just get their jollies by hurting...
Why Mobile-Friendly Web Design Should Be Your Priority
Having a mobile friendly design is one of the most important factors for increasing site traffic. Not having a mobile friendly design is probably...
Why Stock Photos are Hurting your Web Design
Everybody’s on a budget and stock photos can be vastly less expensive than paying a photographer to shoot quality photos exclusively for your...