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Facet Technologies Logo

(309) 689-3900

Call our office!

3024 W. Lake Ave.

Peoria, IL 61615

8:00AM - 5:00PM

Monday – Friday

Facet Technologies, Inc.


Managed Services

Supplemental IT

Co-Managed & Supplemental IT

Companies with one person in charge of IT may find that their employee spends all their time putting out fires and is left with next to no time for researching newer technologies or up-to-date practices. The truth is, even in a small business, IT is often more than a full-time job (especially when it comes time for large projects and upgrades).

Organizations with a full-fledged IT department often find they need help with a specific need that their current staff doesn’t have the time or expertise to address. Partnering with Facet means that you will always have another full-time IT team backing you up.

Facet is here when you need support that you can count on. True Tech Peace of Mind is knowing that even if your IT manager goes on vacation, or leaves the company, your networks and systems will be taken care of and you won’t miss a beat.

Internal IT and managed services often are presented as an “either-or” decision, but we know that’s not the case. Facet partners with many IT managers or IT departments with great success.

With Facet’s co-managed services, your business can have access to:

  • NFacet Insight, our powerful monitoring software suite that allows you to see your systems’ health at any time with the click of a button.
  • NA team of engineers and technicians from a variety of backgrounds to assist you with projects, upgrades, education and more.
  • N24/7 support: we take after-hours and holiday calls for your team.
  • NFlexible support options to fit your business’s needs.
  • NAs-needed time and materials options.
  • NEmail security and spam filtering
  • NOffice 365 backup solutions
  • NCybersecurity, hardening and two-factor authentication options

Facet supports businesses of many sizes through our co-managed IT and supplemental IT options. Contact us now to learn more about how we can help your IT team hit their goals and keep your business growing.

The Right Response

Facet delivers the best service in Central Illinois quickly and responsively.Facet delivers the best service in Central Illinois quickly and responsively. We don’t wait for problems to crop up—we tackle them head-on to ensure that your network systems and technology keep pace with your business. Client security and satisfaction is our priority.

The Right Tools

We don’t use pre-packaged solutions and try to make it work. We designed andWe don’t use pre-packaged solutions and try to make it work. We designed and built our own top-of-the-line software solutions and monitoring suite to keep your business running and eliminate downtime.

The Right People

Our goal is to make every interaction you have with us simple, easy and timeOur goal is to make every interaction you have with us simple, easy and time efficient. Facet’s customer service and the friendly expertise of our team members sets us apart from typical distant and hard-to-reach technology support. Your primary technician knows your company’s network and your needs.

Let us help you find the perfect IT solution.

What is right for my business?

Call Us Now!


8:00AM – 5:00PM Monday – Friday