Facet Blog
Interesting articles from the Facet team
Why Cybersecurity Is Becoming the Most Important Part of Your Website
More than 3 billion people are now using the internet. That can seem like a overwhelming number if your website isn’t protected with at least some...
Why Professional Web Design Services Offer Better Results Than Drag-and-Drop Sites
Everywhere you look, there’s AI-created website designs and stock photography that’s overused. If you’ve ever looked at a web page design and swore...
Four Reasons Speed Matters for Your Web Design
Website speed: nobody likes visiting a slow website. We’re going to cover a few key points that can’t be stressed enough – your website speed is...
How to Improve Your Website’s Lead Generation
We’re all after more clientele, a wider revenue stream, and the chance to create lifelong clients and customers with brand loyalty. You haven’t...
Ecommerce Site Design Has to Compete With the Big Names: Here’s How to Stand Out
In case you haven’t noticed, ecommerce dominates billions of dollars per year, and it’s not a very widespread market. When you look at the ecommerce...
Six Ways to Know If Your Website Design Is Optimized for Visitors
It’s easy to assume that your website is performing optimally when you’re looking through from the other side. Truth is, your visitors may be...