Facet Blog

Create Capture Pages Tailored to Your Company’s Unique Objectives

August 23, 2018

A lead capture page differs from other pages by encouraging your visitors to share their info. Once you have that, each visitor becomes a lead for future offers. Even though that visitor didn’t make a purchase on their first (or second or subsequent) visit, with a lead capture page, you haven’t lost your chance to nurture that visitor into a customer.

How Does a Lead Capture Page Work?

Simply put, you ask for the visitors’ information in exchange for a reward — a free ebook, an online newsletter subscription, any little thing that has value for the visitor is a viable option. For websites offering larger-ticket items, larger rewards (a hard-copy book, for example) can impress visitors with the value you’re willing to offer in exchange for their contact info.

Lead captures are commonly used by big retailers, but small, local professionals and merchants can also benefit. The right offer can dramatically help turn new visitors into customers. They can also be integrated into a long-term online marketing including list building and social media, turning one-time customers into steady, returning customers.

What Makes an Effective Lead Capture Page?

A few basics are pretty universal:

Start with an attention-grabbing headline. The Internet has a few small downsides, like reducing our attention spans, so make your online data clear and obvious.

Ask only for the most relevant information and include a call-to-action button. The “lead capture form” should have a minimum number of fields. Make the button bright with just three or four words like “Download My Ebook” or “Send Me The Report”. Put the button right under the lead capture form so the visitor will fill the form then click the button before having second thoughts.

Display the right images. Promoting a webinar? Include the host’s headshot. Offering a free sample? Post a photo of the product.

Write compelling copy. Every successful product solves a specific problem. List the problem; explain the solution; stop. You’re done!

A couple of customer testimonials/reviews are probably better than a celebrity endorsement (assuming you could get one!).

“Trust seals” (like VeriSign, PayPal, or SSL) mean you’ve done the legwork to ensure that your customers will make a secure online payment.

Your Unique Voice

At Facet Web Tech, our web design experts design lead capture pages branded and tailored to your company’s objectives. Others may use and reuse templates, making their customers look like clones, while Facet offers professional, creative web design solutions that stand out from the crowd. Call us or drop by our Peoria, Illinois, offices. We’ll do you proud with a unique e-commerce website solution.

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