Facet Blog

A Whole New CyberWorld

December 18, 2018

How many apps have you installed on your smartphone over the past couple of years? You probably started with games (from classics like chess to brand new stuff like Candy Crush). You then added shopping (from major retailers to local grocers or specialty shops). Certainly, you didn’t forget banking, news, entertainment, tools — the list goes on and on. The “app” (short for “application”) really has created a whole new cyber world, including becoming one of the best online marketing tools you can have.
If your business doesn’t have an app, you’re not alone. Across the USA, more than half the small businesses have not yet created custom software to support their business. It’s an investment and, like all investments, not guaranteed to return a profit. If, however, your business can benefit from an app, it could be a huge return.

Is It Right for You?
Some businesses require a personal touch — no one is seeing cyber-barbers in their future — but even a barber can have an app to let customers book appointments whenever they decide they need a trim. Do what you do best (be it sell a product or provide a service) and let the tech-experts do what they do best. Facet Web Tech’s software development team will do the research, draft the specifications and develop a complete turnkey application based on your business needs.
Once we determine how we can help you, you’ll get a proposal that spells out all the details: Exactly what the app will do, how long it’ll take to design and test, how often updates should be required, and the all-important bottom line — how much will it cost.
Once you see the big picture, you can make the decision to go forward knowing you’ve done the due diligence.

Whether your application project is a start-from-scratch development or an update of software you already purchased that’s showing its age, it’s critical that your app stands out from the crowd. So, partner with Peoria’s software development experts. We’ll guide you through the entire development process. Once your team has explained your ultimate app-destination, we’ll draw the map, build the road and give you a lift in a brand-new custom-styled app-mobile! We’ll even help expedite marketplace application submission and approval processes. Contact Facet Web Tech and let’s start talking.
Remember the old “Rules for Real Estate Success”? They are “Location, location, location.” We’ll help you make every smartphone in the world a potential new location for you to make money.

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