Facet Blog
Interesting articles from the Facet team
Bot, Bot, Who Got the Bot?
A bot ("web robot") is a software application that runs automated tasks over the Internet. Most are harmless and useful; some are like viruses. If...
A Whole New CyberWorld
How many apps have you installed on your smartphone over the past couple of years? You probably started with games (from classics like chess to...
Building Sales via Social Media
Looking for the "next big thing" to increase your sales? Forget it and focus on today’s big thing – social media marketing – that’s where sales are...
Your Software, Version 2.0
How much off-the-shelf and custom software do you use? When was it written? How much have computers and the Internet changed since then? Is your...
You can make your website more secure
In addition to hiring technical experts like Facet Web Tech for your cyber security needs, you can do a lot to reduce your own vulnerability. For...
Software Customization from the Experts at Facet Web Tech
Next to owning a website, having an application specific to your business could be the best thing for your bottom line. Facet Web Tech can customize...