Facet Blog

Landing Pages Are a Staple of the New Era of Web Design, And Here’s Why

February 2, 2018

Marketing changes by the minute, but there are certain trends that pop up which show no indication of going away. Landing pages have become a crucial part of any marketing strategy, and here’s why:

They Combine Various Points of Marketing

Content marketing, product descriptions, technical information – they all come together in a marriage known as a landing page. It’s a culmination of one or more services, and a technical outlining of the components of those services. When you combine different marketing points, you make a hybrid approach to turn leads into conversions.

One of the biggest problems that businesses face is accruing conversions, but not turning those into leads. Landing pages (you should have more than one) turn into an immovable marketing representative that tells your audience what they want to hear, all without them investing too much of their time in reading a long piece that explains it.

They Incorporate Seamless Design

If you’re going to go all-out and hire a writer to learn your product and break it down into digestible, bite-sized pieces, you’ve done well. However, the essence of your business is wasted if it’s not properly presented. Web design is a crucial element to a functioning landing page. We make decisions based on what we can see, and if a business doesn’t have a dynamic landing page, it could very well bore customers, and turn them away.

The Home of Introductory Offers

If your business has certain deals to get new customers in the door, there’s no better place for those offers to live than the bottom of your landing page. When you reach the end of your expert explanation of your product or services, your viewer may be on the edge of their seat, ready to make a purchase. When they’re warmly greeted with an offer for a discount or additional services includes for free with their purchase, you’ve completed the lead funnel.

Marketing offers are fantastic, but most of the time, they’re placed in the wrong areas. This also gives you control over your offers, so you aren’t bugging an agency or your press release firm to remove an offer that’s no longer valid. You control your offer, and instead of using PPC ads for various pages of your site, you can minimize your spending: Turn them to that landing page, and they’re getting everything all at once.

If you’re ready to get started on your landing page, ensure that it has the very best design possible. Responsive, dynamic, and equipped to entice your viewers. We can help with that.

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