Facet Blog

5 Skills that every IT professional should possess

April 23, 2019

Information Technology (IT, for short) is a broad segment of the technology industry. From simple tech support to the most complex coding and database management, there are roles for people with many skills:

1. Communication

If you want to create some tech, you have an idea. The IT pro needs outstanding communication skills to help you translate that idea into a workable concept that will drive your tech design. During the design and creation process, tech pros may need to communicate (verbally and in writing) with the client, team members, management, outside contractors, government regulators and others, taking all their ideas and comments and blending them into a smooth activity.

2. Creativity, Knowledge & Research

If it was easy, anybody could do it. To take what people (sometimes many very different people) think or want then fuse those ideas into a practical product requires intellectual prowess. You may be doing something that’s been done many times before — how can you do it better? — or, you may be doing something completely new — how to you take what we know how to do and expand that into something we’ve never done?

3. Customer Service

Real IT pros understand that everybody is a customer and they must get the same level of service as the paying client must get. Every stakeholder in every project has individual needs and meeting those needs is customer service. In different circumstances, one could speak of the need for humility and suggest that a good sense of humor will also serve the project well. In its simplest form, it is simple, old fashioned, good manners.

4. Flexibility, Leadership & Teamwork

Back in the day, teachers often noted, “Doesn’t play well with others,” on report cards of our more rambunctious classmates. We’re no longer on the playground, we’re in the business world. We need to operate in many diverse teams and situations. IT pros must first control their personal situation, which is the most vital leadership possible — it allows us to enthuse and influence others and make things happen.

5. Project Management

The preceding skill sets can be called qualitative, they are personal and social. PM is quantitative, it coldly deals with budgets, deadlines, negotiating, organization, quality control, regulations, scheduling and more. It’s the “nitty gritty”, the “day-to-day”, the pesky details of getting the job done that many otherwise talented, creative, brilliant people simply can’t do.

Get All the Skill Sets You Need for Success

The IT technologists of Facet Web Tech have (and continually improve) their technical skills, like writing code or cyber security protocols. All across Central Illinois, companies are happily using websites, software, apps and other highly technical products created by us. Contact us today and see what kind of a smile we can bring to your face.

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