Facet Blog

Principles of Effective Web Design

June 27, 2018

If you’re going to have Facet Web Tech create a website for you (and you should!), you must know a few basics to talk to your designer. To be fair, whole libraries of books have been written on web design, so, we begin with the most basic of basics:

1. Be Consistent

“Branding” has been an advertising buzzword for a long time; it simply means people see something and think of you — who doesn’t see a Clydesdale and think “Budweiser”? Be consistent in color, font, design and other elements on every webpage and match the color, font, etc., you use in other marketing.

2. Look Good, Work Better

If it ain’t pretty, people don’t care. Mostly, you’ll present info as verbiage, but you should back up the words with photos. That said, never let design overpower function. The Internet has taken a terrible toll on people’s patience so, KISS (Keep it Simple, Simon) as your ruling principle. Make essential information easy to find. Make navigation a logical process. Test your website with outside people. Never hesitate to change what isn’t working.

3. Leave the Visitor in Control

Auto-play videos are like elevator music, don’t force it on your visitors. Offer them the choice — see the video first or read the introductory text first. Either way, when they feel in control, they pay more attention. Speaking of Muzak — don’t even think about it! Unless your site is about music, background music will probably be as popular as a pop-up ad from Freds Frankfurter Factory would be among vegetarians.

4. Interactivity

You have a goal for visitors to your website. Give yourself some evidence that they reached that goal. A sale is the best, but what about when they are window shopping for a future purchase? “Sign up for our newsletter” is a great interaction, you now have their contact info! Old trick, though, everybody does it. What else can you do to get acquainted with this visitor and help them remember you?

5. Optimize through Craftsmanship

A website has no value if it has no visitors. Search engine optimization (SEO) means your site is crafted to score higher on search engines. Hire a very good writer to craft copy that informs by entertaining; a very good photographer that shoots unforgettable images; a very good designer that gives simple form to user-friendly function. Make your website exciting enough that outsiders link to it from their websites.

Make the investment in the best website you can get. You will spend some money and you’ll be fine-tuning that website regularly as the world of cyber-business changes, but, in the long haul, your investment will bring the return you want. Facet Web Tech of Peoria has the web design and development experts that will craft a strong foundation to a successful business web presence.

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