With so many people buying so much online, merchant services companies have come up with numerous ways to pay, each with advantages and risks. Including as many payment options as reasonably possible means your customers can buy from you however they feel most...
Category: Facet News
Optimization is Not a Buzzword, It’s a Key to Success
"Optimization" — making the best of something — should be a no-brainer, but a lot of web development teams still miss it. It’s Not Just SEO Search engine optimization has been around for over a decade. We all know the Internet-using public won’t search through 300...
Is Your Website Vulnerable? Yes, but Don’t Panic.
Whoever said, "Crime doesn’t pay," was clearly doing it wrong! Likewise, whoever said, "Criminals only hit soft targets," might have been right 20 years ago, but modern hackers like a challenge. The Bad News One study estimated that 50 percent — half — of all...
A Rich User-Experience Yields Steady Customers
With the Internet passing a billion websites and heading who-know-where, your competition is growing daily. Create quality content that gets results takes time, effort and resources. By adding a variety of content types, you can engage in a dialogue with your visitors...
The Importance of Mobile Device Website Compatibility
Today, most users access the Internet through a mobile device, so, your website must function across multiple platforms — smartphones, tablets and other devices. These are called "responsive websites" and, if you don’t have one, you’re losing people. Best Practices...
Principles of Effective Web Design
If you’re going to have Facet Web Tech create a website for you (and you should!), you must know a few basics to talk to your designer. To be fair, whole libraries of books have been written on web design, so, we begin with the most basic of basics: 1. Be Consistent...
Lead Capture Pages Mean New Customers
Brick-n-mortar retailers live or die on getting bodies through the door, and they use every imaginable trick to bring customers in. Ecommerce depends on lead capture pages in the same way — to call visitors to action in an immediate, distraction-free manner. What is a...
How to Clean Up Your Hacked Website in Record Time
While choosing a platform to develop and build your website may be an important decision when it comes to its overall look and function, all platforms are (unfortunately) created equal in terms of propensity for hacking. Dealing with a hacked website on your own can...
Three Things That Make Your Website Look Cheap and How to Avoid Them
Every business today has a web presence. How well you rank in this category can determine how well you connect with your audience, how you are engaging potential customers and how you can increase traffic. Understanding the importance of web design is just the...
Why Cybersecurity Is Becoming the Most Important Part of Your Website
More than 3 billion people are now using the internet. That can seem like a overwhelming number if your website isn’t protected with at least some form of cybersecurity. Hackers all over the world are doing everything they can to threaten your websites security. These...
Recent Posts
How to Hire an IT Compliance Analyst for Your Business
In the digital age, information is a valuable business resource. As its value increases, so does the importance of data laws. This has led to the rise of compliance analysis. Without proper compliance analysis, your company could face heavy fines. For example, if...
7 Reasons Why Peoria Business Owners Need Data Security Services
Peoria is a business-centered region with 1.2 million small businesses, constituting a whopping 99.6% of all businesses in Illinois. These businesses form the backbone of the state’s economy. In today’s digital age, protecting customer data is paramount for Peoria...
Cybersecurity Threats You Should Be Aware Of As A Business Owner
The average data breach costs over $4 million. This is impossible for many companies to overcome, especially those new to their industry. Data breaches can also cause permanent damage to your company’s reputation.Understanding cyber risks can protect your company from...
What Is an IT Compliance Policy and How Can You Create One?
Data breaches cost businesses an average of $4.45 million in losses. No modern business operates without information technology. Through IT, businesses are able to increase streamline tasks and enhance efficiency. However, it’s far from the perfect system. Doing...
Out of Office: 8 Cybersecurity Best Practices for Central Illinois Business Travelers Going On Vacation
As we get into the summer, many business owners and employees look forward to a well-deserved break. However, …